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Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Okay, it's time for a bit of beating myself up here.  I was looking over my answers to the last quiz and realized that I totally bombed one of the questions.  An easy one, mind you.  I'm such an idiot!  And I KNEW what the question was asking but because I was so flustered not having known much about the first two questions and feeling like my answers weren't good enough for them, I rushed through this question in order to look up a bit more about the first two.  UGH!!!  I think I totally blew this quiz.  I'm so upset with myself!  What a rookie mistake!!

And now I'm all stressed out because I saw in LIS 2000 that we need at least a B (84-86) in both LIS 2000 and 2600.  I'm slightly worried about LIS 2000 just because I only got a 24/30 on my quiz, even though I have perfect scores on everything else, so I just hope I did well on the last essay.  Copyright is not my strong point (is it anyone's?!) and I am worried that I might have used a less formal tone in my paper to convey that, which Dr. Tomer might not appreciate.  (He's the one grading it.)  But I'm much more stressed about 2600 because I currently have a 91% (my only downfall was getting a 90.3% on the first quiz), so if I completely bombed this quiz, I might be in trouble.  I did the math but the points don't all add up correctly, so I'm not sure what I would end up with in "worst case scenario"-land.  Sigh...

My fiance keeps insisting that I not let this ruin my weekend, but I just don't know when to let go sometimes.  It's like in the movie Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (just watched it again this weekend -- LOVE IT!), "I chew on a problem until all the flavor runs out, and then I put it in my hair."  That's me, alright!

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