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Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, July 30, 2010

Not such a hot dog after all...

Dietz & Watson franks billboards: Dietz & Watson franks billboards -

So, this article appeared in our local paper this morning and I couldn't help but post it on here since it's all about copyright. I drive past this billboard at least twice each day and, contrary to the woman in the article who blew the horn on the whole campaign, it doesn't make me think any less of Frank Zappa, Frank Lloyd Wright, or any other name they put on it -- it just makes me really hungry for a hot dog. Isn't that the point of the campaign? I think this woman took it way out of proportion, even if it is copyright infringement and is indeed allowing the company to make a profit when someone, like myself, buys a Dietz & Watson frank because the billboard made me hungry. This is an instance where creativity was thwarted for the sake of people who aren't among the living anymore. Granted, the estate of the two Franks would never had agreed to being a part of the campaign, which is just one reason why we have copyright laws, but I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. Thank goodness Benjamin Franklin is in the public domain now, so the campaign just may continue on...

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