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Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another weekend gone...

Welcome to Summer, everyone!  Enjoy the sunshine!  I tried reading The Meaning of Everything for LIS 2000 while laying out in the sunshine today, but that didn't last too long.  It was too hot and the book was not doing a good enough job of distracting me from the feeling of the sweat coming out of my pores.  Sorry, that was a wee bit too descriptive.  However, point made.

So, I was really hoping to complete the Koha assignment today.  I haven't been able to find the "rubric" and the "more detailed instructions" that the syllabus eludes to.  Does it exist?  If so, does anyone know where it is hiding?  I've been stalking the discussion boards all weekend but it is surprisingly quiet over there.  The calm before the storm?  I've been a lot less stressed and over school-worked lately, which leads me to believe I must be missing something.  And now the paranoia sets in...  (Insert creepy music here)

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