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Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Am I missing something?

Wow, for once I feel like I'm finally on-pace for LIS 2000 and 2600.  I must be forgetting something.  Granted, I still need to catch up on some readings but that can't be all, can it?  I've posted on the LIS 2000 discussion board and I've watched both lectures.  I have to be leaving something off the agenda.  Oh well, I'm sure by the time I figure it out, it'll be too late.  Or perhaps I'm finally figuring out how to manage my time.  Nah, I'm probably missing something.

So, I'm reading The Access Principle for LIS 2000 and it's really not a bad read.  Not as interesting as I found some of the other titles, but not too bad.  I'm definitely happy the ePrints assignment was scratched.  Don't get me wrong, I actually like doing the technology assignments (for the most part), but it is great to have a break, so to speak.  I have a rough work week ahead -- a lot of physical work (not usually my department but I'm a team player so...) and I have to be in 7 am everyday and 5 am on Friday.  I'm used to 8 am days, so it's going to be an adjustment to say the least.

Oh, and a small side note, my fiance and I are going to get back into P90X this week.  Well, actually we're going to do some light cardio this week and then next week it's off to the races!  The program really works but it is such a butt kicker!  Sigh...  I'm tired just THINKING about it!  How am I going to do all of this?!?!

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