
About Me

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Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, May 14, 2010

Gotta start somewhere

Welcome to my blog!  I'm new at this, so bear with me as I explore the depths of the world wide ocean.  Yeah, that sounded terrible but I'm corny so I'm leaving it in.  Okay, a little bit about me:  I have a Bachelor's degree in Communications from East Stroudsburg University and have spent the last few years working as a Communmity Relations Manager for Barnes & Noble, acting as a personal shopper for schools and libraries, hosting bookfair fundraisers for schools and various literacy organizations, facilitating special events in our store, and hosting author signings.  I am priviledged enough to have met Chris Bohjalian, Janet Evanovich, Glenn Beck (I'm a democrat, but he was a really nice guy in person), Governor Mike Huckabee, and many local authors, as well.  One of my favorite experiences was the release of Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn -- I coordinated a midnight release party at my store and to have over 400 teenagers so excited about a book was just amazing.

My wonderful fiance, Paul, and I are planning our wedding for May 13th, 2011 -- Friday the 13th, actually.  We're very excited about it and I cannot wait to finalize all the details.  We have the best little dog, Jo-Jo, a black and tan cockalier (cocker spaniel - king charles cavalier mix), who's an absolute delight to have.  He's our "little man"!

So, while working full-time, planning a wedding, raising a dog and building our family, I am pursuing a Master's in Library Science through the University of Pittsburgh's online program.  Working with schools on a daily basis has made me realize how much I would love to work in one and, since I am an avid reader and I love technology, becoming a library media specialist seems like the perfect fit.  So follow me down the rabbit hole for what promises to be quite an adventure!

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