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Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania, United States

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The emergence of technology in a profession that has been somewhat lacking...

I can still remember a time when "fanfiction" was considered nerdy and creepy.  Now, it can be seen as one of the biggest steps towards how to handle books in technology.  Granted, the concepts of fanfiction and ebooks are decidedly different, I can't help but notice how what used to be an outlet for fans of TV shows, movies, and even books, has helped spawn the age of whole books in the digital format.  I haven't done any research (yet) into the connection between fanfiction and the advent of ebooks, but I wouldn't be surprised if my coursework in either Introduction to Information Technologies or Understanding Information leads me there.

What I can say from my readings so far is that there seems to be quite a bit of discussion on the subject of ebooks and what it means for libraries.  Working for Barnes & Noble (even though I work in Community Relations as opposed to the actual sales floor) has given me a significant amount of information on the subject.  It is certainly a topic that is not going away any time soon and will make a serious impact on the ways libraries are run.  Like Professor Tomer discussed: how do we take a culture that is used to "googling" a topic into coming to a library to do their research instead?  Is it a matter of convenience, immediacy/instant gratification, or user-friendliness?  All of the above?  Or something else altogether?

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